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BucketsJCB JCB crusher buckets have been designed to provide easy and efficient onsite recycling of inert material such as asphalt rubble stone concrete granite basalt limestone and even material with reinforcing bars JCB Attachments Crusher Buckets CB60 View Model CB70 View Model CB90 View ModelCanada's Largest Metal Forming Fabricating Welding and Finishing Event FABTECH Canada is returning to the Toronto Congress Centre June 14 16 2022 and we are excited to welcome you back With restrictions in Ontario and surrounding provinces currently easing we want to assure you that plans are moving forward and the event will take Product Description The ComplEAT is comprised of 4 components spoon fork dual sided spatula and a 4 function multi tool All 4 components together weigh less than 2.5 ounces and nest together for a slim storage solution Rather than leave those useful tongs behind the ComplEAT offers a unique solution create them instead. 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