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2018 1 10 117 The Association for Relations across the Taiwan Strait ARATS is a public organization established in Beijing on December 16 1991 for the purpose of promoting peaceful reunification Entrusted by the mainland authorities it handles communications with its counterpart in Taiwan on issues regarding cross Strait exchanges and is authorized to 2022 5 11 2022 05 10 2022 05 10 2021 7 14 Taiwan authorities criticized for poor response to virus outbreak updatetime 2021 07 14 15 33 49 View 259 Source CHINA DAILY The poor performance of the Democratic Progressive Party administration in Taiwan in tackling the latest COVID 19 outbreak on the island has revealed its insufficient governance capacity which has led to its 2021 7 8 71100 145 Relief efforts underway after China quake kills 13 injures 220 Over 3 100 people including fire fighters armed police and volunteers have joined the search and rescue work after a 6.0 magnitude earthquake hit southwest China s Sichuan Province Monday.2018 1 10 X X X X X 72 2021 4 3 TAIPEI April 2 At least 50 people were killed and 146 others injured in Taiwan on Friday after a train carrying many holiday home returning passengers derailed in the island s deadliest accident in over four decades Local transportation authorities reported that the driver and the assistant driver of the train were among the dead.Taiwan's silly folly in aiding trade war 2018930 Huanqiu As the China US trade war flares up the island of Taiwan has decided to buy more soybeans from the US It is reported that Taiwan will buy between 3.2 3.9 million tons of soybeans valued at up to 1.56 billion from Iowa and Minnesota in 2018 and 2019.2022 5 11 The Taiwan issue may well become a point of increasing tension To assess the present situation historical context is useful After World War II some Chinese led by Chiang Kai shek fled in 1949 to the island of Taiwan The island had long been China's territory After a brief occupation by the Netherlands during 1624 1662 General Zheng 2021 6 8 2018 11 1 A Polish TV program which recently expressed support for Taiwan independence got slammed by a number of Taiwan internet users with some telling the show to shut up as we support one family haiwainet reported on Monday According to Taiwanese media Polish TV station Idź Pod Prąd TV openly expressed their support for 2021 3 1 18 2015 11 5 38 2015 11 05 07 18 00 114 38 2012 5 8 Isola di Taiwan 2012 05 08 17 22 25 cri A soli 150 km dalla provincia del Fujian si trova Taiwan o come la chiamarono i portoghesi nel 16esimo secolo l isola di Formosa che in portoghese significa la bella Si tratta di un vero e proprio Eden In tutta Taiwan infatti si contano sei parchi nazionali e decine di siti naturali tutelati da 2019 2019 20195914.7 2021 9 24 Selon des reportages médiatiques français une délégation de sénateurs français se rendra en visite à Taiwan du 4 au 11 octobre prochain Il n y a qu une seule Chine dans le monde Taiwan fait partie inaliénable du territoire chinois et le gouvernement de la République populaire de Chine est le seul gouvernement légal représentant toute la Chine a souligné le 2018 10 8 An article by Taiwan writer and television personality Huang Zhixian has criticized the accusations made by United States Vice President Mike Pence against China in a speech he made last Thursday at the Hudson Institute in Washington D.C In the article which was carried on Sunday's China Times after the Vice President accused China of 2021 10 30 10 2019 1 2 40 201912 2021 1 6 which Taiwan is the largest with an area of 35 798 square kilometers The climate in China is complex and diverse East China has a typical monsoon climate while Northwest China has a temperate continental climate with large seasonal temperature variations bitterly cold in winter and hot in summer In the west the Qinghai Tibet PlateauThe so called Taiwan Relations Act seriously violates the one China principle and provisions of the three China U.S joint communiques Zhao said adding China has been resolutely opposed to it from the very beginning The Chinese people are unswervingly resolved in safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity.2020 8 11 El Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de China criticó hoy lunes la visita a la isla de Taiwan que lleva a cabo el secretario de Salud y Servicios Humanos de Estados Unidos Alex Azar Asimismo la cancillería del país asiático urgió a la parte estadounidense a detener todo tipo de interacción y contactos oficiales con Taiwan así como a abstenerse de incrementar sus 261.2 23.7 12 1
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