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MaxTac tactical helmet with multifunction infovisor is a piece of Head equipment in Cyberpunk 2077. It was added in Patch 1.3. It was won by Judy Alvarez in a bet. Can be found inside a cache in the bedroom of Judy's apartment after romancing her during Pyramid Song. One must have made a remark on her outfit worn during this quest.[citation needed] MaxTac multilayered armor-weave Jacket Heavy ...

There are countless clothes scattered in the game; some can be found free of charge, while others should be bought from the shop that are not very modest. If you have played Cyberpunk 2077, you will know there are four clothing tiers. Legendary, Epic, Common, and Uncommon. In a similar vein, V can equip six apparel items; these include Hat, Gas ...

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Militech International Armaments is a megacorporation specializing in weapons manufacturing and private military contracting. Militech is one of the world's largest manufacturers of weapons and military vehicles, with facilities on every continent. Militech provides equipment for hundreds of nations as well as both private and governmental organizations, especially the NUSA military and police ...

The Militech Crusher is a Shotgun in Cyberpunk 2020. Originally the Militech Crusher 20ga, is a pistol-sized shotgun that was developed during the Second Central American War for close combat and roomsweeping duties. The Crusher is a handy weapon in 20ga with its box-type magazine and 25cm barrel, but its not very accurate. Due to "whippet" styling-stockless and short barreled, the weapon is ...

SafeGuard ARMOR™ Protection Personified™ SafeGuard is the premium provider of high-quality, modular body armor We are committed to developing and distributing a wide range of cutting-edge ballistic, tactical, concealable and lightweight protective vests to meet the diverse needs of law enforcement agents, military operatives, media ...

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theomeganerd Cyberpunk Militech Crusher. Global Crushers Spares GCS is the largest Australian owned supplier of quality Global Crushers manufacture a wide range of crushing and screening MILITECH NIJ IIIA 3A Black M88 Steel Bullet Proof Helmet Steel Ballistic helmet Helmet and Visor Set Deal Tactical Helmet Ballistic Helmet Mask Packagetheomeganerd Cyberpunk Militech Crusher …

To use the clothing cheat codes in Cyberpunk 2077 simply add a preface to the command: player.inventory.additem. An example of this would be player.inventory.additem (Items.Adidas_Shoes). Make sure there are no spaces between the preface and the cheat code. Here's the complete list of clothing cheats for Cyberpunk 2077. Items.Adidas_Shoes.

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Replaces various clothing pieces with a Cyber Ninja, Max Tac, Militech, Border Patrol, Kang Tao, Arasaka Sniper, and an Elite Arasaka Soldier appearance. Permissions and credits Credits and distribution permission. Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources;

It appears that you cannot roll both the highest armor value and the highest mod slot value. Admittedly I have a small sample, but I rerolled the heavy-duty aramid-reinforced badge coat (saved before picking it up and reloading); each time the item had 4 mod slots, it had 180 armor (legendary level 500 armor), at 3 slots it was around 187 armor, 2 193, never got 1 or 0.

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