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IBM Quantum simulators¶ Overview Statevector Stabilizer Extended stabilizer MPS QASM Simulators overview¶ IBM Quantum features a collection of high performance simulators for prototyping quantum circuits and algorithms and exploring their performance under realistic device noise models. To view available simulators On the upper left corner of the screen

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1707.03429 Open Quantum Assembly Language
Jul 11 2017 This document describes a quantum assembly language QASM called OpenQASM that is used to implement experiments with low depth quantum circuits OpenQASM represents universal physical circuits over the CNOT plus SU 2 basis with straight line code that includes measurement reset fast feedback and gate subroutines The simple text language

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Open Quantum Assembly Language OpenQASM pronounced open kazm is an intermediate representation for quantum instructions The language was first described in a paper published in July 2017 and a reference source code implementation was released as part of IBM s Quantum Information Software Kit for use with their IBM Quantum Experience cloud quantum computing Muhammad Bin Qasim Muhammad bin Qasim was born around 695 AD He belonged to the Saqqafi tribe that had originated from Taif in Arabia He grew up in the care of his mother he soon became a great asset to his uncle Muhammad Ibn Yusuf the governor of Yemen His judgment potential and skills left many other officers and forced the ruler to
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Aug 17 2021 You can use qasm files to create a quantum circuit two ways via the methods from qasm str or from qasm file on a QuantumCircuit.See the documentation about this For example test = OPENQASM 2.0 include qelib1c qreg q 2 creg c 2 h q 0 cx q 0 q 1 from qiskit import QuantumCircuit qc = QuantumCircuit om qasm str test
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The easiest way is to use the QuantumCircuit methods QuantumCircuit om qasm file or QuantumCircuit om qasm str depending on if your loading the QASM from a file or Python string respectively.

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