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diy live rock pour le profit.

I been researching how to diy live rock but I can't seem to find the product they use to make it . Does any body not the formula and what product to use . Home. New posts Classifieds Marketplace Trending Today's Posts Search forums Unanswered threads. Forums. New posts Classifieds Marketplace Unanswered threads Today's Posts Trending Search …

DIY live rock: Post Reply : Author: Message Topic Search Topic Options. Post Reply. Create New Topic. Printable Version. Translate Topic. laroc . Members Profile. Send Private Message . Find Members Posts. Add to Buddy List. Guest Joined: August 27 2013 Location: Murray Status: Offline Points: 145 Post Options. Post Reply. Quote laroc. Report …

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DIY Live rock, currently my favorite thing to do. So for the first post I'm going to tell you how to make some rock for your tank. It can be used for aquascaping or as frag plugs. If you're really creative you can make your rocks to accept plugs so that those pesky turbos won't knock over your favorite coral! Materials Needed: Oyster shell from a feed store $3-$8 for …

DIY: Comment faire votre propre Rock Live Pour de nombreux amateurs d'aquarium, la moitié du plaisir de posséder un aquarium réside dans la mise en place et la décoration de l'aquarium. aquariums d'eau de mer peuvent être transformés en chefs-d'œuvre artistiques en utilisant différents types . johnserdar. Accueil. Accueil; DIY: Comment faire votre propre …

Has anyone made their own live rock? I want to try it out but not sure how to go about doing it. Home. What's new. New posts New posts (unread) Current visitors Latest activity. Forums. Forum list New posts New posts (unread) Marketplace. All Marketplace Posts Livestock Drygoods Want to Buy Free Stuff Group Buys Reef Deals Non Reef Classifieds Seller, Buyer, …

so when I was at hidden reef the other day they had some pretty nice shelf rock but it was like $5+/lb and they had some Walt Smith plates, those were less... Home. What's new Latest activity Authors. Forums. New posts Search forums. What's new . New posts New media New media comments New profile posts Latest activity. Media. New media New comments …

I've been planning and acquiring the ingredients for making my own rock for awhile. This weekend i finally got around to creating a few. I figured i'd document the process for you guys and give a breakdown on cost. I figure i could make 500+lbs of live rock with what i've got here. So here we go!...

DIY live rock Discussion in 'I made this!' started by KOgle, Jan 17, 2008. Join 3reef now to remove this notice and enjoy 3reef content with less ads. 3reef membership is free. Page 1 of 2 1 2 Next > KOgle Zoanthid. Joined: May 4, 2007 Messages: 1,109 Location: Columbus Indiana . Hey gang a friend and myself are looking into making some DIY live rock to finish off …

DIY live rock : DIY live rock: mattyboombatty . Moderator Tenellus Obsessor Posts: 2790 Kudos: 1507 Votes: 1301 Registered: 26-Mar-2004 . Edited by mattyboombatty. To save some money on my next sw build, I've decided to make a lot of "aquaculture" live rock. I'll ten buy a few nice coralline covered pieces to seed the rock. This should really minimize the cost of set up …

I have read about DIY live rock out of cement and oyster shells has anyone had success or experience with this? I am in NE Minnesota where live rock is not easy to come by. Also having it shipped in -10 degree weather sounds scary. So I am wondering if the cement and oyster shell recipe would wor...

DIY live rock « natrag naprijed » Ispis; Str: [1] Dolje. Autor Tema: DIY live rock (Posjeta: 2685 vremena) 0 Članova i 1 Gost pregledava ovu temu. RHEM. Trade Count: Punopravni član; Postova: 192; Spol: Dob: 45; Lokacija: Crikvenica; DIY live rock « u: Srpanj 27, 2013, 19:05:15 poslijepodne » Gledam malo ovaj video pa me zanima zna li itko gdje bi se mogle nabaviti …
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