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prix de broyeur untha lr 630.

2022 1 20 Single shaft shredder Untha LR 630 constructed 2004 for waste wood Technical data Manufacturer Untha Type LR 630 Year of construction 2004 Operating hours 5539 421 / 69 68 10 0 Mail info rda rema Gutenbergstr 22 28816 Stuhr/BremenGermany Fax 49 0 421 / 69 68 10 44 Web rda rema Page 2/9 mailto info rda rema .LR 630 je cenově v 253hodn 253 a v 253konn 253 jednohř 237delov 253 drtič kter 253 je obvykle použ 237v 225n v truhl 225řsk 253ch provozovn 225ch ke zpracov 225n 237 odpadn 237ho dřeva v množstv 237 1 7 m 3 t 253den V 253sledn 253 produkt se v2022 4 21 Untha lr630 used machine for sale Buy used machines of the category other wood working machines on RESALE.INFO Contact the seller directly by phone ☎ or email2020 9 4 By continuing to use this site you agree to the use of cookies Further details privacy policy2020 12 3 By continuing to use this site you agree to the use of cookies Further details privacy policy2022 4 24 34x34x23 mm Knife for Untha LR/LRK Item number 17608 OEM number Weight 0.15 kg Available variants Available in 8 variants Product Name 34x34x20 5 mm Cutting crown raised core for Zerma SKU 17072 Availability Usually on stock or 6 weeks.2022 5 13 Untha Wood Shredder Products Untha LR1400 Wood Shredder Untha LR520 Wood Shredder Untha LR630 Wood Shredder Untha LR700 Wood Shredder Contact Us For Special Offers London 07867 950 153 Coventry 07795 309 669 Glasgow 01236 432 700 Manchester 0743 598 2288 Untha Dealer Scotland UK Try Our New Price Quote ChallengeTemukan Untha Lr 520 bekas di pencari mesin dari dealer bersertifikat pasar terkemuka untuk mesin bekas Indonesia JUAL MESIN 2021 6 8 Lot 45 Untha Shredder Type LR630 Back to auction Bidding will be extended on individual lots if bids are placed within 10 minutes of the item s end time Ends 08 Jun 2021 15 20 00 BST Time left Bidding ended Increment £100 Bids 19 Add to watch list Toutes les informations du modèle LR630 du Série LR Broyeur de bois de la marque Untha Vous pouvez donner votre avis obtenir un tarif ou accèder à la documentation.Operating hours 5539 Drive power rotor 11 kW Drive power hydraulic 0 75 kW Diameter rotor 248 mm Rotor speed 85 rpm Number ofWOOD TEC MACHINES CNC machining centres robots 537 Edgebanding edge processing 400 Saws cutting machines 305 UNTHA murskaimet ovat vankkoja ja tehokkaita koneita puujätteen murskaukseen UNTHA puujätemurskain LR 630 on pieni tehokone puuverstaan perusmurskaimeksi tai isossa tehtaassa kohdemurskaimeksi Koneissa on vankka runko tehokas murskausjärjestelmä roottori vastaterät työnnin vaihteisto ja oikein mitoitetut rakenteet Kennedy Group Słomczyn 81 05 600 Słomczyn POLAND nr VAT PL7691753213 mail office kennedymachines tel 0048 600 722 800The LR520 is the most compact wood shredder in the LR class range Its modest footprint is less than 1m² meaning that it can even be easily integrated into the smallest of carpenter's workshops We have developed the single shaft shredder for wood especially for these small wood working plants Due to its unique pusher free design the 2019 12 4 Lr630 LOW PRICE aND HIGH PERFORMaNCE The LR630 is an absolute classic amongst the single shaft shredders its excellent cost/performance ratio being one of its most convincing attributes It is typically used by joiners processing a wood waste volume of 1 to 7 m³ per week The homogeneous final product is perfectly suited for heatUntha LR 630 This seller has been contacted 61 times in the last week Interested in this machine Click to Request Price Seller Responsiveness Verified Seller Subcategory 2 Industrial Listing ID 64820514 Related Listings Used 2021 Untha LR 520 in Leutkirch im Allgäu Germany Manufacturer Untha Contact Seller for Price.Untha LR 520 1/1 Untha LR 520 Ref 2338079 15 MT Condition Used Manufacturer Untha Model LR 520 Year s 2013 Quantity 1 Location Seller or machines location EUROPE Western and Northern Exhibition machine Hopper size 516 x 830 mm Motor 11 kW Rotor diameter 248 mm Annonce Paillard Motorhome actros slideCamping car d'occasion Paillard Motorhome actros slide Az LR 630 abszolút klasszikus az egytengelyes dobaprítók között a kiváló ár/érték arány egyike a legmeggyőzőbb tulajdonságainak Tipikus felhasználói az asztalosüzemek melyeknek heti fahulladék mennyisége 1 7 m 3 között van.Both comments and trackbacks are currently closed Edellinen Seuraava →Déchiqueteur à 1 arbre / pour chutes de bois / compact UNTHA Le broyeur de bois LR700 est un broyeur mono rotor qui a été conçu pour une très grande La taille intermédiaire de la très connue série LR est équipée du paquet technologique de la Déchiqueteur à 1 arbre / pour chutes de bois LR630 zhenning.jpg />Manufacturer Untha Type LR 520 Location 88299 Leutkirch Construction year 2021 Engine power 15.0 hp 11.0 kW weight 850 kg Suction connection 160 mm Plus d offres pour UNTHA LR 520 Autres offres de Miller .Afin de protéger au mieux vos données personnelles la création d alerte de recherche est indisponible en mode Autour de moi Vous pouvez néanmoins créer une alerte de recherche géolocalisée en désactivant Autour de moi depuis les filtres et en utilisant la saisie manuelle Pays Ville Distance Max .UNTHA Broyeur mono rotor LR630 UNTHA shredding technology UNTHA Broyeur mono rotor LR630 140 000 catalogues Faq Exposez vos produits Mon compteFind Untha LR 630 and LR1000 and other crushers and screening plants for sale on Machinio.2012 9 18 Questo trituratore legno viene utilizzato in genere da falegnamerie con un volume di rifiuti di legno di 1 7 m³ per settimana Le macchine legno Untha lr 630 sono trituratori industriali in grado di elaborare materiali come il legno massello pannelli truciolari impiallacciature e pannelli MDF Il prodotto finale ottenuto dal legno è UNTHA Shredding Technology America Inc offers LRUNTHAShredders and other solutions for the Recycling SystemsEno osni drobilec UNTHA LR 520 LR 520 je po cijeni povoljan i učinkovit jednoosovinski stroj za usitnjavanje koji se uobičajeno primjenjuje u stolarskim pogonima i može preraditi otpadno drvo u količini od 1 do 3m3 / tjedno Usitnjavati se mogu slijedeći materijali puno drvo iverice furniri miješano s drvom MDF 2021 11 19 Untha LR520 Wood Shredder Untha wood shredder Wood Shredder Untha LR1000 Shredder Untha LR1400 Shredder Untha LR630 Shredder Untha LR700 Shredder Contact Us For Special Offers London 07867 950 153 Telford 07951 462 834 Glasgow 01236 432 700 Manchester 07909 290 209 Main UK Distributor Of New And Used Untha WOOD TEC MACHINES CNC machining centres robots 525 Edgebanding edge processing 389 Saws cutting machines 310 2021 6 8 Lot 45 Untha Shredder Type LR630 Back to auction Bidding will be extended on individual lots if bids are placed within 10 minutes of the item s end time Ends 08 Jun 2021 15 20 00 BST Time left Bidding ended Increment £100 Bids 19 Add to watch list Untha lr 520 used machine for sale Buy used machines of the category other wood working machines on RESALE.INFO Contact the seller directly by phone ☎ or email2019 12 4 Lr630 LOW PRICE aND HIGH PERFORMaNCE The LR630 is an absolute classic amongst the single shaft shredders its excellent cost/performance ratio being one of its most convincing attributes It is typically used by joiners processing a wood waste volume of 1 to 7 m³ per week The homogeneous final product is perfectly suited for heat
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