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Brazil 160 kilometers offshore Rio de Janeiro under a 22.5 year lease and operate contract with Petróleo Brasileiro 2022 5 12 The share capital of the Société Des Bains de Mer et du Cercle des Etrangers à Monaco comprises 24 516 661 shares each with a value of €1 All the shares are admitted for trading Euronext Paris The Monegasque State holds 64 21 of the share capital as of October 19 2017 Place of listing Euronext Paris.Mais de 100 comentários de clientes SBM E Motorised bead bending machines SBM 250 25 E SBM 300 40 E Accessories SBM 250 25E Art no € plus VAT Bending rollers type E1 3880711 150.00 Bending 2022 5 10 About the company Societe des Boissons du Maroc SA formerly known as Ste des Brasseries du Maroc SA also SBM is a Morocco based company engaged in the beverage industry It is specialized in the production and distribution of beer wines range of fizzy drinks bottled water and olive oil Societe des Boissons du Maroc SA operates through Cône Concasseurs Sbm Concasseurs Cone 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