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The BLM's new Website to find the variety of GIS products published by the agency is called the Geospatial Business Platform Hub site located here: (. Navigator is due to be decommissioned by Sept. 30, 2022. Some of the Navigator site components have moved to a new HOME on the BLM's General Land Office (GLO) Records website (.

In Idaho, the Bureau of Land Management is responsible for managing one of the largest and most complex fire programs in the BLM, protecting approximately 11 million acres of range and forest land in central and southern Idaho and employing nearly 500 people. Each year, the team responds to an average of 330 fires that burn about 270,000 acres ...

Idaho BLM Maps. Buy Idaho BLM Maps. Download BLM Map Index Download Forest Service Map Index Return to Idaho Maps. Filter by. Availability 0 selected. In stock (51) Out of stock (7) Price The highest price is $8.99. From $ To $ Sort by. Clear all. Filter and sort. Filter and sort. 58 products Availability ...

The campaign "Shoot Responsibly – Idaho" aims to remind everyone of the simple steps to remember when target shooting. For instance, avoid shooting on hot, dry and windy days and shooting into rocks or metal/steel objects. Place targets in areas free of vegetation. Taking these simple measures can lessen the chances of causing a wildfire ...

BLM Idaho State Office 1387 S. Vinnell Way Boise, Idaho 83709 Public Desk: 208-373-4000 E-mail: [email protected] Southwestern Idaho Bruneau Field Office 3948 Development Avenue Boise, ID 83705 Phone: 208-384-3300 Four Rivers Field Office/ Snake River Birds of Prey National

The BLM's Visual Resource Inventory (VRI) is a systematic process for: Assessing and rating the intrinsic scenic quality of a particular tract of land, through the Scenic Quality Rating process; Measuring the public concern for the scenic quality of the tract, through the Sensitivity Level Analysis; and. Classifying the distance from which ...

Black Lives Matter Boise Chapter (BLM Boise) began May 31, 2020 in response to the killing of George Floyd. BLM Boise is a social and environmental justice organization lead by critical criminologists, data scientists, & social scientists. We are a collective of senior-level activists, healthcare workers, musicians, athletes, & influencers. OUR ...

Explore your public lands in Idaho. Our map features recreation sites on public lands throughout the state across public land management agencies. Find your next hike or camping destination, decide where to fish, climb, hunt, make the most of the snow, enjoy the water, or plan a roadside picnic along a scenic drive out

Freight and stage roads to the railroad in northern Utah utilized much of the Oregon Trail for many years. The Oregon Trail continued to be used long after the building of the railroads across southern Idaho, even into the early 1900s. The total distance of the byway is 102 miles. Allow eight hours to complete the trip from Boise, including ...

For the latest Idaho GCDB spatial data, please contact the BLM Idaho State Office Cadastral Department at 208-373-4000. The BLM in Idaho creates and maintains this spatial data. This dataset is derived by dissolving based on the MGMT_AGNCY field from the master SMA GIS dataset (which is edited often) kept by the BLM Idaho State Office.

Maps for Public Lands of the Western States. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and Forest Service Maps of Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming. Find and buy the paper maps you need to find trails, campgrounds, hunting units, and fishing access on western pub

What We Manage. Idaho's public lands are a tapestry of canyons and deserts, grasslands and forests, valleys and mountains. They teem with wildlife and are braided with rivers and reminders of those who came before us. The BLM manages nearly 12 million acres of public land for multiple use in Idaho; this is 22 percent of the state's land area.

The same permits you have been purchasing for years at your local BLM office are now online. You are always welcome to visit or call your office for all your permitting needs. Permits are required to cut and remove forest products from BLM land. To facilitate this process, the BLM has initiated a website in several states that allows the public ...

It has a total area of 726,362 acres. The forest headquarters is located in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. There are local ranger district offices located in Coeur d'Alene and Silverton. In the Idaho Panhandle National Forest complex, the Coeur d'Alene National Forest is part of the Coeur d'Alene River Ranger District, and identified as the Central Zone ...

Idaho BLM and Forest Service typically use two types of engines to suppress fires: Type 4 (heavy) wildland fire engine or Type 6 (light) wildland fire engine. Heavy engines require a commercial driver's license to operate. They can hold anywhere from 800-950 gallons of water and can weigh up to 32,000 pounds. The light lngines typically hold ...

University of Idaho 875 Perimeter Drive MS 3154 Moscow, ID 83844-3154. Phone: 208-885-6426. Fax: 208-885-8964. Email: [email protected]. Web: College of Letters, Arts and Social Sciences. Map. College of Letters, Arts and Social Sciences; Explore Our College; Black Lives Matter;

The BLM manages nearly 12 million acres of public lands in Idaho, nearly one-fourth of the state's total land area, for multiple uses. The Mustang Mania Trainer Incentive Program (TIP) Challenge will return to…. Beginning the week of June 6, the Bureau of Land Management's (BLM) Owyhee…. The Pocatello and Upper Snake Field Offices are ...

HB337 is going to be introduced to the Idaho Senate Monday 4/26 at 3pm. Join us in a demonstration of nonviolent civil disobedience to show our lawmakers that the people they should be reposing do not want their education to be taken away. ... #BLM #blmboise #stopasianhate #BLM #boise #idaho #blacklivesmatter #BIPOC #vigil #fuckwhitesupremacy ...
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